Covid 19 or SARS-COV2 Management at home
Coronavirus structure with gene Covid 19 First of all what we have to understand is: - covid virus does not kill us directly. - over activation of immune system kills. Hospital Admission: - Difficult to get bed. -Expensive(rs 70000 to 5 lakh in a week - Stressful condition. First we have to understand about stages after infection: 1. Viral replication 2. Immune Activation and inflammation: In most of the cases covid will end up at this stage ie NATURAL CURE 3.Immune Hyper Activation and hyper-inflammation ie Cytokine storm occurs at this stage in case of virus could not kill through Natural cure or second stage. Cytokine Storm Activation 4.Respiratory Failure 5. Multi Organ Failure or Dysfunction due to cytokine storm 6. Death How to Identify the stages? - Stage 1 (Viral Replication): - It approximately lasts for 1 week- usually asymtomatic- - Stage 2(Immune Activation):- mild symptoms or sometime asymptomatic(mild symptoms includes:- fever, cough and sore throat, bodyache,...