Sugar and Metabolic disease
1. Sugary drinks provide empty calories and no nutritional value. Avoiding them for a week can help reduce calorie intake and support a healthier diet. 2. Frequent consumption of sugary drinks is associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The large amounts of rapidly absorbed sugars lead to prolonged elevated blood glucose and insulin levels, which can worsen insulin resistance over time. 3. The sugars in sugary drinks interact with oral bacteria to produce acids that erode tooth enamel. This erosion makes teeth more susceptible to cavities and dental decay. 4. Sugary drinks have been linked to higher blood pressure. The sugars may increase blood glucose and insulin levels, which can alter blood vessel function and lead to hypertension. The excess calories may also contribute to weight gain, another risk factor for high blood pressure. 5. The association between sugary drinks and increased heart disease risk is likely mediated by...